1. Guest Help Center
  2. Contact information

Contact information: Sales and booking-related topics

If you have questions related to making a booking or making changes to your current booking, our sales team is available to assist you. 

You may contact them through any of the following channels:

  1. Barcelona
    • Phone: +34 902 018 245
    • Email: sales.bcn@ukio.com 
  1. Madrid
    • Phone: +34 911 235 203
    • Email: sales.mad@ukio.com
  2. Lisbon
    • Phone: +351 308 807 409
    • Email: sales.lis@ukio.com
  3. Paris
    • Phone: +33 189 710 153
    • Email: sales.par@ukio.com
  4. Berlin
    • Phone: +49 308 379 6361
    • Email: sales.ber@ukio.com

TIP: If you are still in contact with a specific sales agent that helped you with your booking, you may also reconnect with them for assistance.